A clock is a simple device. It tells us the time, let’s us know how many hours we have left in the day. Yet, the clock has also achieved something more remarkable.
It has become a deity, an emblem of our devotion and slavish worship of time.
For the majority of human history, the concept of time was alien. We did not have the capability to accurately measure time. The day was dictated by the rising and setting of the sun.
We had no indication of the nuances of time, nor any need for it. Life was a more simple construct for our ancestors.
The irony is that as we have become more civilised, we have also regressed. Time dominates our lives in a way it never used to.
The majority of us have jobs where we are expected to arrive at a certain time. Arriving after this time is cause for concern.
Time has invaded every aspect of our lives. There is hardly any function that we do, which is not influenced by a time-keeping device.
It may appear that we have become masters over time, but we are unable to manipulate it to our will. In reality, we are slaves to time. Our every waking moment dictated by the ticking hands of the timepieces we display in our homes and wear on our wrists.