The funny thing about life is that you have no idea when it will all be over.
We muddle our way through childhood, through difficult teenage years and into adulthood and at some point we meet our ultimate fate. Of course, not everyone is lucky enough to make it that far.
Numerous children die a few days after birth. You can die during your childhood or in your teenage years, as happened to someone I played football with. For the majority of us, we have no way of knowing when we will go, we just know that at some point down the line, we will.
There is a phrase in Latin, Memento Mori, which sums up this line of thinking. Translated into English it means ‘Remember your death.’ This sounds like a morbid sentiment. None of us wants to contemplate our mortality, it’s not comfortable thinking about the possibility of not existing and what lies on the other side of death if anything at all.
However, it is supposed to be a statement that frees you, instead of imprisoning. Instead of feeling anxious when we consider our own mortality, we should feel empowered, inspired and grateful.
Each day we get on this beautiful planet we call home is a blessing. We can either stumble through life with no direction and lament the passing of time as we get older, or we can take matters into our own hands and make…