An Eastern monarch is said to have charged his wise men to devise a sentence which would be true and appropriate in all times and situations.
The wise men deliberated over the question, pondering what sentence they could present to the king.
Eventually, they decided upon four simple words; This too shall pass.
Delighted with their choice, they presented it to the monarch and waited with bated breath for his reaction.
Upon hearing the words, the monarch is said to have uttered the following:
How much it expresses! How chastening in the hour of pride! How consoling in the depths of affliction!
While this story may not be 100% true, there are numerous versions in existence, what is undeniable, is the truth in these four words.
No matter what state we may find ourselves in, be it good or bad, it will eventually subside and be replaced with something else.
It is a reminder that we live in a state of impermanence, in constant flux and that we shouldn’t take for granted what we have.
It is too easy to become wrapped up in our thoughts and let them conquer us, but like most things in life, they are only temporary.