Why Education Is For Life And Not Just For School

Tom Stevenson
4 min readAug 17, 2018

When we leave school or university, a funny thing seems to happen.

We immediately think that our days of learning are behind and we can throw off the shackles of education and live in bliss for the rest of our days.

I thought this would be true to some extent when I finished university at the age of 21.

I had spent my whole life learning up until that point, now that I was free of the education system, I thought I wouldn’t need to continue with education.

What was the point?

I’d learnt a lot in those first 21 years anyway!

Well, I was wrong.

The belief that education stops once you leave school or finish university, is one of the biggest misconceptions we hold about life.

Our journey through life is a constant learning process.

Much like the days don’t remain the same, knowledge gets updated and changes too.

If you don’t make an effort to stay educated throughout your life, you will find yourself slipping behind as the years pass you by!

Life is an education.

Finishing Schools

“The roots of education are bitter, but the fruits are sweet.” — Aristotle

Up to a certain age, school is a necessity.

When we are young, we are full of questions. Think of a 4 year old child, and they usually have a lot of questions to ask about a wide range of topics.

It’s obvious that they need an education to quench their thirst for knowledge.

This need for mainstream education begins to plateau as you get older.

In my own case, I studied History at university.

Did I absolutely need to educate myself about history more?

The answer is unequivocally no.

I could have carried on with my life reasonably well, without specialising in certain historical fields.

Mainstream education is useful up to a point, but then it’s usefulness quickly subsides.

